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Edu OnAir Collections

Expert Discussions

Thought-leadership and resources from education and technology experts.
3 years ago
ondemand_video On demand
What I learned: A conversation with the 2020 and 2021 National Teachers of the Year
Over the past year, educators, families and leaders around the world have been prompted  to reexamine every tool and practice at our arsenal.  As the 2020 National Teacher of the Year, Tabatha Rosproy experienced this shift in a uniquely different, yet deeply impactful way. Join us as we host Tabatha Rosproy in a conversation with the just-announced 2021 National Teacher of the Year, where they will discuss what has worked, what they're determined to change, what it means to be a teacher in 2021 and beyond.  
Tabatha Rosproy 2020 National Teacher of the Year
Juliana Urtubey 2021 National Teacher of the Year
4 years ago
ondemand_video On demand
Examining Instructional Equity in Education Technology
As the educational landscape has shifted and transformed over the past year, administrators and teachers have been driven to refine their practices in order to create more equitable outcomes for students. 

Join us as we host Dr. Kim C. Germany, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology Integration at the Vicksburg Warren School District, and Santi Khairassame founder of Project Recess in a conversation about the role of technology in instructional equity. 
Santi Khairassame Founder Project Recess
Dr. Kim C. Germany Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Integration Vicksburg Warren School District
4 years ago
ondemand_video On demand
Preparing for the New Future of Education with Certified Coach & Innovator Programs
As the recent shift to distance learning has shown us, it’s more important than ever to ensure that educators have access to strong professional development opportunities that empower them to innovate and grow. Join Amanda Del Balso and Dan Stratford from Google’s Global Programs Team as they host a panel of educators who will share how their personal and professional journeys were transformed by their experience with Google for Education’s programs.
Speakers: Amanda Del Balso, Dan Stratford, Monique Chatman, Kelli Koons, Dan Kincade, Kimberly Lane Clark, Rachel Duckworth, Darren Simons, Xóchitl Castañeda, Christopher Shultz
4 years ago
ondemand_video On demand
Reimagining the First Day of School in the Era of Distance Learning
In less than a few days, educators and district leaders everywhere found themselves working through a monumental disruption to the way in which schools, communities and students experience learning. As we look ahead into an uncharted future, how can edtech leaders come together to design and create new solutions? Join us as we host Keith Krueger, CEO of the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), and Michael Patterson, Program Manager at Google for Education, in a virtual fireside chat about reinventing the first day of school. 
Keith Krueger CEO Consortium for School Networking (CoSN)
Michael Patterson Program Manager, Google for Education Google

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