Aditya Natraj
Adnan Bin Harun
Principal, SMS Tuanku Jaafar
Ahmad Fikri Dzulfikar
Vice Principal, SMP Ar Rafi' Drajat School
Aiman Afiq Bin Suradi
Student, SMS Tuanku Jaafar
Alexandra Agudelo
Secretary of Education, Medellín, CO
Almudena Lara
Child Safety Policy Lead, Google
Amanda Third
Principal Research Fellow, Institute for Culture and Society
Amnat Wichayanuwat
Secretary General of OBEC
Andy Russell
Product Manager, Chromebooks for Families
Anneli Rautiainen
Head of the Innovation Unit, Finnish National Agency of Education
Ariff Mursyidi Bin Noramali
Student, SMS Tuanku Jaafar
Avni Shah
VP, Education, Google
Bayo Olotu
Program Manager, ChromeOS
Ben Ballard
Executive Director of Learning and Wellbeing, NSW Department of Education
Brent Sarver
Program Manager, Google for Education
Brian Hendricks
Product Manager, G Suite for Education
Carlos Anaya
Public Education Lead, Google México
Caroline Rainsford
Country Director, New Zealand, Google
Catherine Kucia
Headteacher, Jubilee Park Primary School (Newport)
Chatree Pradutchon
Director, Princess Chulabhorn's College Mukdahan
Chen, Rong-Cheng
Director, New Taipei City Remedial E-Learning Center
CHENG Ming Keung
Principal. S.K.H. St. Benedict’s School
Cho Heeyeon
Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education Superintendent
Courtney Hampson
Program Manager, G Suite for Education
Cristy Yonetani
eLearning Lead Teacher at St Mark's School, Christchurch, New Zealand
Daniel Stratton
Product Manager, Google for Education
Danny Ardianto
Public Policy, Google Indonesia
Dean Stokes
EMEA Education Adoption Manager, Google
Diane Rutherford
Education Lead, Future Design School
Divagaran a/l Subramaniyam
Student, SJK(T) Ladang Seremban
Donna Golightly
Technology Coach, Using Technology Better Google Certified Trainer
Dr. Arunabh Singh
Director, Nehru World School
Dr. Biswajit Saha
Director, CBSE
Dr. CHOI Yuk-lin, JP
Under Secretary for Education, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Dr. Wagheeh Shukry bin Hassan
Principal Assistant Director, Learning Platforms, Educational Technology and Resources Division, Ministry of Education
Emira Nabila Binti Ramli
Teacher, SMK Pasir Gudang
Emma Pass
Google Certified Innovator & Secondary English Teacher
Eve Lebwohl Kessler
Product Manager, Google Classroom
Fernanda Montes de Oca
Private Education Lead, Google SP-Latam
Fernanda Oliveira
Content and Online Marketing Lead, Google for Education Latam
Flávia Cristina Costa Moreno
Secretary of Education, Barueri
Fredrik Linnander
CEO, Online Partner
General Ekkachai Srivilas
President Foundation of Thai Suprateacher
Haemini A/P Sivam
Student, SMK Pasir Gudang
Hong Samku
Teacher, Bugil Girls' Academy
Hsieh, Cheng-Da
Deputy Mayor of New Taipei City
HUNG Yam Hei
Head of IT Committee, S.K.H. St. Benedict’s School, Google Certified Trainer
Iwan Syahril, Ph.D.
Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel
Jackie Wang
Country Manager, Google Thailand
James Longwell
Organisation Development Practitioner, Google
Jason Carroll
Director of Product Management, Texthelp
Jason Ma
Tech Site Lead, Google Taiwan
Jason T Green
Co-CEO and Co-Founder, LINC
João Alegria
Educational Lab (LEd) General Lead at Fundação Roberto Marinho
John Lee
Country Director, South Korea
Julie Inman Grant
eSafety Commissioner
Kala A/P Rengasamy
Principal, SJK(T) Ladang Seremban
Kamarulzamri Bin Bakar
Teacher, SMS Tuanku Jaafar
Karen Makishima
Member, House of Representatives, Chief Secretary, Special Committee for Digital Nation, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
Guru Penggerak Program Coordinator
Kate Korber
Learning & Teaching Leader, St Thomas More Primary
Katie Kurtz
Director of Content Partnerships, Learning, YouTube
Kim YongSang
Teacher, Daegeon High School
Lainey Makitamou
Student Leader at Aorere College, New Zealand
LAW Ka Ying
Student, S.K.H. St. Benedict’s School
Leslie McBeth
Director of Special Projects, Future Design School
Ling Lin
Product Manager, Google
Liong Teen Teen
Teacher, SJK(C) Yak Chee
Liz Sproat
Head of Education, EMEA, Google
Low Yu
Student, SJK(C) Tai Thung
Mailys Robin
Product Manager, Search
Mala Sharma
VP & GM, Creative Cloud Product Marketing & Community, Adobe
Manoj Ahuja
Chairperson, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Marc Woo
Country Head, Google Malaysia
Marici Marchini
Head of Public Education, Google Brasil
Masatomo Tani
Nara City Board of Education
Melanie Lazare
Program Manager, Google Classroom
Muhammad Raynold Alvaro Keefa
Student, SMP Ar Rafi' Drajat School
Najelaa Shihab
Founder, Semua Murid Semua Guru
Nancy Ting
Head of Consumer and Brand Marketing, Google Hong Kong
Neeru Khosla
Co-Founder & CEO, CK-12
Nicola Ngarewa
Principal, Chairperson Teaching Council of Aotearoa NZ, Spotswood College
Nitin Kashyap
Product Manager, Read Along
Osian George
Welsh BAC Coordinator, Ysgol Bro Edern (Cardiff)
Phisanu Sripon
Director, Suankularb Thonburi School
POON Siu Chi Frederick
Principal, St. Paul's Co-educational College
Prajak Noinuay
Educator at Suankularb Thonburi School
Quin Henderson
Education Lead, Future Design School
Randy Jusuf
Managing Director, Google Indonesia
Rubens Furlan
Mayor, Barueri
Russell Burt
MNZM, Principal Pt England School, Convenor Manaiakalani Group
Rutherraa Vel a/l Tharmendiran
Student, SJK(T) Ladang Seremban
Ryu Changdong
Teacher, Seoyun Middle School
Sal Khan
Founder & CEO, Khan Academy
Samantha Garrett (Vardanega)
Technology Coach, Using Technology Better Google Certified Trainer
Sandra Nagy
Director of Learning, Future Design School
Sangeeta Gulati
Google Certified Innovator and Trainer, Head of Mathematics Dept, Sanskriti School, Delhi
Sanjay Gupta
Country Manager, Google India
Sarasvathy A/P Sengalrayan
Principal, SJK Tamil Batu Caves
Scout Lee
Principal, Aodi Elementary School
Sebastian Marambio
Head of Innovation Center, Ministry of Education, Chile
Seiji Kozaki
Nara Prefecture Board of Education
Seo Kwangseok
Teacher, Idong Middle School
Suan Yeo
Head of Education, Google Australia & New Zealand
Syarah Rafida binti Mukhsin
Student, SMK Pasir Gudang
Tan Shin Yee
Deputy Headmistress, SJK(C) Kwong Hon
Thirumurugan Krishnan
Teacher, SJK(T) Ladang Seremban
Technology and Information Teacher, SMAN 1 Playen School
Toshiko Igarashi
Principal, Machida 5th Elementary School
Vicki Shotbolt
CEO, Parent Zone
Vladimir Handal
Secretary of Innovation, El Salvador
Yoloxóchitl Bustamante Díez
State Secretary of Education, Guanajuato, MX
Zach Yeskel
Group Product Manager, Google for Education
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